Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Do Yourself A Favor: Global Warming, Monsters, and Friends

I think it is important for everyone to have strong convictions about what they believe in, and, in turn, be able to back those opinions up with either some good hard facts or editorial pieces. The whole reason YDKS is even here is because of the way Wesley and I felt about cinema and the people who ruin it. So in an effort to make you smarter and just to ramble off some of my important and well sought after opinions, I have decided to start a column where I endorse things important to me. This will include DVD's I think you should buy, videos or movies I think you should watch, and other important things I think you should be aware of.

Global Warming or How I Learned to Stop Watching Documentaries and Love to Read

Today I will be talking about Winter's arch nemesis, Global Warming. Now I have never been an advocate of Global Warming. I did some research as to why I felt it never existed, and was reassured and annoyingly conceited when I found out that my beliefs had actual scientific merit.

Al Gore's fear inducing documentary, An Inconvenient Truth, has taken the world by storm since its release in 2006. And while this isn't the first time the world has heard about Global Warming and its supposedly inevitable effects, Al Gore was the guy who won the Nobel Peace Prize for duping the world into believing something that hasn't even been proven. The Academy even jumped on board leading to the most pretentious and politically influenced Oscars Ceremony in recent memory.

Well it turns out that only a short 2 years later, during a span of which two Global Warming Summits were snowed out in Washington D.C. (God has the greatest sense of humor), 2008 has become a record breaking year for snow, cold temps, and other winter related things.

Do yourself a favor and read 2008 was the Year Man-Made Global Warming Was Disproved written by Christopher Booker of the Telegraph.

It is a Good Thing The Monster Squad is Undeservedly Priced

has the most amazing DVD deals. And if you are a collector and don't visit Amazon's Gold Box on a daily basis, not only are you an idiot, but you are not doing yourself any favors.

It is no secret that we love The Monster Squad here on YDKS. Me and Wesley are probably its biggest fans, and while I can't quite speak for Austin at the moment as to whether he is down with the Squad, I am pretty sure it is in our bylaws that you can't write for YDKS without loving the film.

Anyway, I reserved my copy of The Monster Squad DVD approximately 6 months (if that was possible) through Amazon when it was first released. I am positive I paid around 20 bucks for it. But, that is not the reason I am upset at its now low-low price of $4.99. I am angry that this beautiful movie, and its well thought out and long-awaited DVD are now being reduced to the $5 bin at your local Wal-Mart. What a shame.

Do yourself a favor and buy The Monster Squad for $4.99 on Amazon.

I Can Count the Number of True Friends on one Hand, but I have to Use My Toes to Include My Internet Friends!

If you are a frequent reader, you may have noticed that YDKS is part of The LAMB (The Large Association of Movie Blogs). And, through this association, we here at YDKS have made many friends in the online community. But my favorite of which has to be T.S. of Screen Savour.

T.S. is not only a great writer, but he has great taste in movies. His reviews and analysis of classic cinema are poignant and are must reads for anyone looking to grow deeper in knowledge of such great figures as Charlie Chaplain, Alfred Hitchcock, Charles Shultz, and even Bob Dylan.

Do yourself a favor and visit Screen Savour, read everything offered, and mind your manners by leaving some comments.


Wesley said...

I enjoyed reading this.

Dude, Amazon has gotten so much of my money this year it's not even funny. Their deals are ridiculous. I love them for it... but I kinda hate them too. After all, I probably wouldn't buy half the crap I do if it wasn't for their insane deals.

Daniel said...

Dude thank you for posting that article on global warming i read it the other day at least there are three people in this world that think global warming is crap that is made up by Al Gore

andrew said...

Jason, I totally agree with the global warming issue. Now as an avid reader, I would like your opinion on Clint Eastwood's new movie Gran Torino?