Saturday, December 13, 2008

I'm A Jerk and I Don't Care About Birthdays!

"I have a special purpose. Your mother is going to love me!"

No, seriously. I really am a jerk. And, this news is completely unrelated to the movie universe unless you take into account all the bromosexual movie man-dates I have been on with the guy I am about to tell you about.

My best friend in the entire world is Daniel Howard. We have been through all the ups and downs, twists and turns, and mountains and valleys you could imagine. But now, our friendship is better than ever. We have seen just about the entire eastern half of the U.S. together and have been on more than a couple dozen spontaneous concert and college football game trips. He recently had a 9lb, 1oz baby boy named Jackson (pictured above), and his wife, Amanda, (also pictured above) is awesome and lets me come over to the house whenever I want.

But more importantly than all that; his B-day was December 10th. And guess who forgot to call? Yeah, you guessed it: me, the jerk.

So I would like to publicly express how big of a jerk I am, and just tell everyone how gracious and forgiving Daniel has been to me. And that I love him. And that he is great.

So, Daniel if you are reading, this post is heterosexual manlove-letter to your unending awesomeness. I am sorry, and I really do care about your birthday. I will see you soon my friend. (P.S. I saved the dirty talk for a much less public forum. Or I could just write it on your Facebook wall. Either way.)


Wesley said...

This isn't movie news at all but, since it's about Daniel Howard, I'll let it slide.

Happy late birthday, Daniel. I didn't call you or write on your wall but hey, my name's not Jason so that's okay.

Also- holy crap, I didn't realize you had your kid already. Congratulations. Be sure to raise him on good movies.

Lastly, walking class with you and Jason was one of the best experiences of my life. Just so you know. And Connie still owes us some lasagna and bread.

Wesley said...

Oh and I forgot to add-

Remember when we had Blu-ray night and we watched Halloween and the whole time I just gave you guys random trivia about the movie? That was a good night. Just wanted to say that here.

Jason said...

I know man. I miss walking class so much. And it was also one of the best experiences of my life too man. We need to have another blu-ray night soon. Wesley, pick a movie you know a bunch of random information about and that will be the feature.

Daniel said...

Jason my eyes were filling with tears as i read this beautifully done piece probably the best non movie news article that has ever graced YDKS... I love you my heterobromosexual life mate u sexy beast... thank you wesley for the congrats and walking class was simply amazing... thanks again you r always my one true bromosexual love