Monday, December 8, 2008

Speech of the Week #20

Hey guys, welcome to a column here on YDKS Movies entitled Speech of the Week! For now on, every Monday I will post a new scene from a movie that features a speech of some sort being given. After all, there are a lot of famous scenes in film where characters give an influential speech of some sort. Then again, there are also a lot of scenes where characters give a speech and it just comes off cheesy and lame. In this section, you will see both kinds. That's right, people, I'm giving you the good and bad of film speeches all wrapped up in one great big package. I hope you all enjoy.

Much like last week, I'm running pretty late with the Speech of the Week this Monday. Sorry, guys. I'm in my last week of school before finals start and everything is kind of going insane right now. I'm trying not to let my participation here slide though. It's just really hard.

This week's speech (number 20!) is from a movie that, honestly, I didn't love as much as everyone else: The Warriors. Don't get me wrong, I really liked a lot of it but there was just something off about it towards the middle. It just felt really slow. I guess it just wasn't what I was expecting. And, in my opinion, the ending was kind of anti-climatic. But maybe that's just me. The Baseball Furies were pretty bad ass though.

With that said, this speech from the beginning of the movie from Cyrus is pretty awesome. It sets up with the rest of the movie when Cyrus is assassinated at the end of his speech, setting up a frame job on The Warriors.

If you've never seen this speech, or The Warriors for that matter, check out this clip below. It's pretty good.


Jason said...

I have never seen this! I should probably watch it soon.