Thursday, October 23, 2008

Friday the 13th Remake Trailer Released

The trailer for the remake of Friday the 13th was released on MySpace today in HD. Check it out above.

Like all Michael Bay produced remakes of horror classics, the trailer is incredibly well-cut, stylized and fun to watch. I really like how they used the voice over of Mrs. Voorhees over all the footage. It actually made it kind of creepy to watch. Yes, that's right- a trailer for a Jason movie that's creepy. It's been awhile for something like that to happen. It was also great to hear the chi-chi-chi-ha-ha-ha sound effect and some of the classic Friday the 13th score. Hopefully, that will be in the final film as well.

I know a lot of people are against the remaking of this film but I could really care less. I mean, it's Jason. They've already put him in space. As far as I'm concerned, they can't do anything else that would be more embarrassing than that. 

It could be bad but, when you think about, all the movies in this series are pretty bad. So yeah, it looks like it could be fun. I'm going to see it.

Source: MySpace