Friday, October 24, 2008

Monster Fest Video of the Day #15, 16 and 17

Since it is Monster Fest here at YDKS Movies throughout the rest of the month of October, I figured I would try and start a new daily article (school work pending, of course) that features movie clips from various horror films. After all, what better way to celebrate Monster Fest than to watch video clips of cinema's greatest monsters?

Sorry I haven't been able to get any Monster Fest Video of the Days up lately. It's pretty amazing that I've been able to get any posts up at all. I've had five tests, two quizzes and a paper this week. It has been pretty awful. I cannot tell you how happy I am that it is Friday. It really is great. 

Anyways, to make up for my missed days, I've decided to post this compilation of Jason Voorhees pawning people from Friday the 13th: Part 3. After all, it is Friday and I just posted the Friday the 13th remake trailer yesterday, so I guess it is appropriate. I'll be honest, this video is pretty gross. However, I guess it is pretty cool to see Jason pawn people after a long week of studying and writing papers. Also, what's up with that Andy kid handstand walking? Who does that? Jason gives it to him bad but that's what he gets for doing crap like that.

Anyways, enjoy.

*Warning: This video is NSFW.*


Anonymous said...

That video brought back some good memories. Thanks.

Wesley said...

No problem. It's my job.