Sunday, October 19, 2008

Watchmen Test Screening Spawns Chaos on the Web

UPDATE: Sadly, I've had this news basically confirmed to me. If it somehow changes, I'll let you all know. Also, I cracked and read the new ending. I don't like it at all. It doesn't really make any sense and is just a lame Hollywood sidestep around a brilliant and shocking ending. Go here if you want to read it.

A special Watchmen test screening was held in Portland this past Thursday to a "blind audience" (people who had no familiarity with the graphic novel once so ever). Well, once it got out that this screening was happening, some fans managed to crash it.

Now, all the rest of this could not be true... and I really, really hope it isn't. But, if these leaked reports are true, Zack Synder has changed the ending to the graphic novel.

Yes, that's right. Despite saying in numerous interviews that he was going to keep the controversial downer ending to the graphic novel, he has apparently gone with something else. If you look around the net, you can find what that something else is if you want but, as for me, I'd rather not know right now. I'm really upset by this news. If it's true, Watchmen has gone from something that I was insanely excited about to something that I'm modestly looking forward to. And, if it's true, I officially hate Zack Synder. I still haven't loved one of his movies yet and, if this is true, my fears about him have just been confirmed. If this turns out to be some crappy, slow-motion filled action film... I might just completely lose my mind.

But this could all just be B.S. I really hope it is. The story goes that the IMDB forums were being flooded by multiple people spreading this new ending around. Most of the comments were deleted quickly after being posted but some websites were able to capture what they were saying beforehand. In the end, it could just be spammers trying to mess with everyone's minds. However, because it was so many people, I have to wonder. The internet is going crazy with speculate right now.

Like I said, I do not know what the new ending is. I have not read the possible spoiler and I do not want to. That's up to you. 

I just really, really hope this isn't true. I'm going to be so angry and depressed if it is. 

Man, I just need to go and get a girlfriend or something.