Saturday, October 4, 2008

Wow... That was so Bad...

First off, sorry for not putting up a post yesterday. I was busy putting together a party at my house for a friend and, because of that, I wasn't really able to get online. So excuse me for putting together fun stuff for once.

The non-bootleg teaser trailer for Dragonball was released online the other day and it looks pretty awful. And by pretty awful, I mean really freaking awful.

I never was a huge fan of Dragonball or Dragonball Z for that matter but this is even insulting to me. I can only imagine what the true Dragonball fans are feeling right now. This must be like finding out Santa isn't real, you were adopted, and the girl you've been in love with all your life is actually a man all at once for them.

Sorry, guys. Sometimes crazy Japanese animes just don't translate into good Hollywood films. That and the fact that they got some white kid playing a Japanese kid with a ridiculous hair cut doesn't help much either.

I really don't feel like making fun of this much more. I don't really have to. Just watch that trailer above and be amazed. I wouldn't be caught dead in a screening of this.


Jason said...

Good post dude, and while I agree that the trailer really was that bad, we have got to work on your post titles man. They need to be more specific.

Daniel said...

that looks worse than the old school street fighter movie

Anonymous said...

Look dweezlesack, if your going to talk martial arts, just cut to the chase on go straight to the greatest martial arts epic of all time, please, look no further than "OLD MAN". Period. Enough said..fuggitaboutit!