Sunday, October 12, 2008

Monster Fest Video of the Day #7

Since it is Monster Fest here at YDKS Movies throughout the rest of the month of October, I figured I would try and start a new daily article (school work pending, of course) that features movie clips from various horror films. After all, what better way to celebrate Monster Fest than to watch video clips of cinema's greatest monsters?

The first time I saw Freddy vs. Jason, I thought it was a pretty terrible movie. Today, I still believe that. However, having lightened up a little since then, I've come to enjoy the film for what it is: two horror movie icons fighting each other against the background of an insanely stereotypical group of teens that you don't care about for one second. I mean, that's kind of fun to watch. No, the movie's nothing special but just having that in it makes for a pretty fun film viewing experience. It definitely makes for one hell of a group movie.

Anyways, I picked out one of the fight scenes between Freddy and Jason for this. After all, this is Monster Fest. And what better way to celebrate Monster Fest than to have a video of Freddy Krueger and Jason Voorhees kicking the crap out of each other? After all, I've already had a video on here with the Wolfman and Frankenstein's monster duking it out.

There's a lot of nice moments in this video. The part with Freddy firing air tanks at Jason was actually a pretty clever set up for a decent action sequence. Plus, how awesome is it to see Jason completely destroy one of the girls from Destiny's Child? And how wrong is it that Freddy refers to her as "dark meat." You might be stepping one some people's toes there, Freddy.

Overall, this clip is pretty fun. Enjoy.