Monday, October 13, 2008

Monster Fest Video of the Day #8

Since it is Monster Fest here at YDKS Movies throughout the rest of the month of October, I figured I would try and start a new daily article (school work pending, of course) that features movie clips from various horror films. After all, what better way to celebrate Monster Fest than to watch video clips of cinema's greatest monsters?

The Texas Chainsaw Massacre is a really disturbing movie. The first time I saw it was in the tenth grade. I went over to Video Library (back when it was still open) and rented it and a bunch of other horror movies. When I started watching it, a really bad thunder storm started up outside. It was very bizarre. Then, I had the movie itself to deal with. It was a very uncomfortable experience.

To me, one of the creepiest parts of the movie is the very end when Leatherface does his infamous chainsaw dance. I know that this may not seem that creepy to anyone who has not seen the film but, in the context, this is the weirdiest thing that they could have ended the movie with. I love how the film goes out right when he pulls back with the chainsaw into the camera. I can't explain why but this scene gives me chills every time I see it. Enjoy.