Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Monster Fest Video of the Day #10

Since it is Monster Fest here at YDKS Movies throughout the rest of the month of October, I figured I would try and start a new daily article (school work pending, of course) that features movie clips from various horror films. After all, what better way to celebrate Monster Fest than to watch video clips of cinema's greatest monsters?

You cannot have a Monster Fest celebration without a Michael Myers clip.

Having recently re-watched Rob Zombie's Halloween (and purchased a 3-Disc DVD version of it that has a 4 and half hour making of documentary... which is insane) I decided to show a clip from that film. Since I posted a clip from Dawn of the Dead yesterday, I figured it would be nice to link to that clip with another clip featuring the great Ken Foree. In today's clip, he plays a character named Joe Grizzly. Yeah, that's right, Joe Grizzly. And he has a line where he says to Michael Myers, "I'm Joe Grizzly, b*tch!" (something that Foree insisted on having put in; something I learned from watching most of the 4 and a half hour documentary). I know that might sound kind of cheesy but I think it's awesome because Ken Foree is awesome. Peter was my favorite character from Dawn of the Dead. As far as I'm concerned, every character that Foree plays is awesome.

Oh yeah, the clip also features Michael Myers (pre-white mask) taking on Joe Grizzly in a pretty intense bathroom stall rumble. They kick the crap out of each other. It's pretty fun to watch. And Foree has a bunch of awesome lines to spurt out.


Note that this may be from the work print cut of the film as the music cues are slightly different than the cut I have on DVD and the version I saw in theaters.