Sunday, October 5, 2008

This Guy is Box Office Gold

I was watching Iron Man on DVD last night when I made a startling discovery. In the scene where the military is watching Iron Man fly from the U.S. fighter jets, I noticed someone familiar in the room. Hey... isn't that the guy from The Dark Knight? Yes... yes, it was.

Actor Joshua Harto somehow happened to play bit parts in both Iron Man and The Dark Knight, the biggest superhero films of the summer. In Iron Man, he valiantly played CAOC Analyst #2 who managed to give opinions on the situation at hand. In The Dark Knight he played the slimy Mr. Reese whose greed almost ended in the exposure of Bruce Wayne as Batman. Okay, his role in The Dark Knight was much bigger than his part in Iron Man... but how ironic is it that this guy managed to get parts in two of the biggest films of the summer (one of which is close to be the biggest film of all time)? After thinking about it all night, I had to come to one conclusion: there's no way that this was a coincidence. No, new comer Joshua Harto is not only the reason that these films made millions of dollars this summer but the reason that they managed to obtain over a 90% positive rating on Rotten Tomatoes as well.

Screw the inventive and well-crafted direction direction by John Favreau and Christopher Nolan. Forget the wonderful performances by Robert Downey, Jr. and the late Heath Ledger. Let go of the faithful dedication that these films made to their comic book and graphic novel source material. No, my friends, it all comes to the great Joshua Harto. 

I'm pretty sure that this guy sold his soul to the Devil for this to happen. It's really the only answer. And the good news? He's still got some time left before it all gets taken away. Are you listening Marvel? If you are smart you will cast this guy not only as Captain America but Thor as well. Hell, just cast him as all the Avengers in the Avengers movie too. While you're at it, re-cast him as Ultimate Nick Fury and put him in some black face. I'm sure Sam Jackson will understand- after all, even he doesn't want to face the wrath of Satan. A few months ago, some fans begin to speculate that the Mr. Reese character was actually going to become The Riddler (Mr. Reese... Mystery... get it? Yeah, it's actually kind of stupid). If Chris Nolan is a smart man (which he obviously is), he will make this happen. You know that rumor of Johnny Depp playing the Riddler? Forget that. Make the Mr. Reese character into the Riddler and the next Batman film will make double what the The Dark Knight made. Trust me, Nolan. 

So, if you work in Hollywood and want your next film to make a trillion dollars, be sure to cast Joshua Harto in a role. Actually, you might as well just cast him in every role available in the movie. You don't even really need a script... just film him walking around a room talking to himself. Trust me. You'll make more money than you ever dreamed of.

Source: My mind


Jason said...

Lol. I love your enthusiasm for this guy, but you seriously think he is the reason for Iron Man and The Dark Knight's Box Office Status?

Wesley said...

there may have been some sarcasm in that article. maybe.

Fletch said...

Nice. That guy currently has one of the best resumes in town.

Anonymous said...

Dude, you're watching way too many movies. You should think about getting a girlfreind, seriously.