Sunday, October 12, 2008

Goosebumps is Back on Cartoon Network for October

I don't know about you guys but I grew up not only reading the Goosebumps books by R. L. Stine but watching the Goosebumps television show that came on Fox Kids as well. I can remember waking up on Saturday morning and eagerly watching new episodes in my pajamas. Well, years passed and I kind of forgot about the show and books. 

Then last year, Cartoon Network got awesome and started re-airing all the old episodes of the TV show for the month of October. They also had these really awesome Grindhouse-esque promos for them, making them look completely insane. When I heard that they were being re-aired, I got pumped about watching them all over again. Upon re-watching them, I found them extremely dated and, to be honest, pretty cheesy. However, that didn't mean that I didn't enjoy the crap out of re-watching them all. They were still pretty entertaining despite their poor production values. Plus, they were all really nostalgic in their nature and, well, I'm all about nostalgia.

Anyways, the other day I found out that Cartoon Network is doing the same thing this year as well. I've missed the first week but, hey, I guess some is better than nothing. They are airing them at 8 P.M. EST / 7 P.M. CEN on every week night. They usually show two episodes back-to-back, though tomorrow night they are showing three. They are re-airing the episodes for the entire month of October.

With that said, it looks like I know what I'm doing tomorrow night at 7 P.M. CEN. Now if only we could get Nickelodeon to re-air all the episodes of the vastly superior Are You Afraid of the Dark... Man, that crap was actually pretty scary...

And for all you nostalgic Goosebumps watchers such as myself, I've embedded the intro to show below. My favorite part? When that dog's eyes light up yellow in a really fake looking way. Enjoy.

Yeah, they don't make them like that anymore.


Preston said...

I was never allowed to watch goosebumps.

... tell me what to do NOW Mom.

Wesley said...

You were deprived as a child.