Friday, October 10, 2008

Monster Fest Video of the Day #5

Since it is Monster Fest here at YDKS Movies throughout the rest of the month of October, I figured I would try and start a new daily article (school work pending, of course) that features movie clips from various horror films. After all, what better way to celebrate Monster Fest than to watch video clips of cinema's greatest monsters?

Did you know that Kevin Bacon was in Friday the 13th? I hear that he's not really proud of it but it's true- Kevin Bacon is in Friday the 13th and he dies by having an arrow put through his neck courtesy of crazy, old Mrs. Voorhees. 

Now, since it is not Jason doing the killing, I almost considered not including this as a Monster Fest Video of the Day. However, despite there being nothing supernatural or really unusual about Mrs. Voorhees, the fact that she kills a bunch of teenagers for the accidental drowning of her son that occurred years before (and thus had really nothing to do with these teenagers) makes her a monster of the worst kind.

That and it includes Kevin Bacon getting a freaking arrow put through his neck from underneath the bed. What a terrible way to go. But I guess that's what he gets... after all, he broke one of the worst horror movie rules- he had sex. To make things worse, as you can see in this clip, he is smoking marijuana to top it all off. Yeah, I guess he's gotta go and gotta go bad.

This is actually a pretty effective scene. The sudden way the hand pops up from under the bed always gets me and the gore effects by Tom Savini are pretty painful to watch. 

Anyways, it's Friday kids so enjoy this gory clip.

Warning: This clip is NSFW due to Kevin Bacon getting a freaking arrow put through his neck. Really, I warned you...