Wednesday, October 22, 2008

New Watchmen Poster Revealed

Click to enlarge.

It looks like it's Watchmen day today. I just posted the new extended trailer that premiered on Spike TV's Scream Awards last night and now Yahoo has revealed the new poster for the film. It showcases the death of the Comedian as he is throw out of the window of his apartment and the graphic novel's signature bloody smily face falling after him. Pretty awesome idea for a poster. I mean, it's a guy falling to his death. You don't see that everyday in poster artwork.


Source: Yahoo


Scott Malthouse said...

It's an excellent poster and the trailer had me crying onto my keyboard with sheer, unadulterated joy. It's really too bad about the ending change though, it really misses the point entirely if we're presented with a rosy view of the world at the end.
Great blog by the way.

Wesley said...

Thank you for your comment.

The new ending definitely does not present a rosy view of the world at the end. It does, however change the way a certain choatic event occurs. I'm a huge fan of the graphic novel so I am probably just being very nit-picky. I'm sure the film will still be entertaining, I'm just a little depressed that they are not going all out with the insane ending the graphic novel had.