Thursday, October 9, 2008

South Park Addresses the Rape of Indiana Jones

Back when I was thirteen, I used to watch South Park all the time. My brother and I were surfing the TV late one night and we happened to flip to Comedy Central right as the first Halloween special started (the one with Kenny becoming a zombie and eating everyone). I was immediately hooked. Although I stopped watching the show regularly over the years, every time I would happen to catch an episode, I always found it to be incredibly funny.

Anyways, last night Caleb and I happened to catch a repeat of the episode that premiered earlier that night after the Colbert Report ended. In this episode, Kyle, Stan, Jimmy, and many others deal with the trauma of seeing Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull. They talk how it was the rape of Indiana Jones... literally. They then have three flashbacks that shows Indiana Jones being graphically raped by Steven Spielberg and George Lucas. I don't know why, but Caleb and I found this absolutely hilarious. I was laughing so hard that I was crying. I couldn't believe how far they went in these scenes- they tend to last about a minute each. It was insane. They even have a sequence that parodies the rape scene from Deliverence. 

I didn't think that Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull was as bad as the Star Wars prequels but it definitely was a massive disappointment. When I first reviewed the film, I gave it a 6/10. Since then, that review has dropped to a 5/10. There was some stuff that I did enjoy in the film but there way too many things wrong with it for it to be considered remotely good. So, yeah, I guess you could consider it the rape of Indiana Jones... or at least the inappropriate groping of him.

Either way, this episode of South Park was hilarious. Do yourself a favor and watch the clip from the episode embedded at the top of this article. It's very offensive... but that's kind of the point in South Park

If you want, you can watch the entire episode here