Thursday, August 28, 2008

Austin's John Carpenter Double Feature Artwork

Click to enlarge.

Okay, this doesn't really have anything to do with YDKS Movies per say but I thought it looked pretty cool so check it out.

This is a John Carpenter Double Feature Poster that Austin made for me for a movie night that I'm going to be having in the next week or so (depending on people and their availability). As you can tell, the double feature will be Christine and The Thing. I'm pretty excited about it as I've been wanting to have a double feature at my house for quite a while now and because I cannot think of a more awesome double feature to have than one that is John Carpenter themed. It's going to be pretty awesome.

Anyways, enjoy the poster artwork above and feel free to use it to advertise your own John Carpenter Double Feature Movie Night in the future. After all, everyone should have one at least once in their life.


Anonymous said...

that's a pretty great poster.
and i like what ya'll have done with the site.
jason, i think i saw this when i was in philly the other weekend... but i'd forgotten the new look. nice job guys.

movie_fan225 said...

I hope you hafta push it back another week so that I can be there.

Anonymous said...
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