Saturday, August 23, 2008

Superman Reboot Happening

If you were waiting for Bryan Singer's follow-up to Superman Returns entitled Superman: Man of Steel... well, you were going to be sorely dissappointed by this news. According to Jeff Robinov of Warner Bros., the Superman franchise is yet again undergoing a massive reboot:

Superman [Returns] didn’t quite work as a film in the way that we wanted it to,” said Robinov. “It didn’t position the character the way he needed to be positioned. Had Superman worked in 2006, we would have had a movie for Christmas of this year or 2009. But now the plan is just to reintroduce Superman without regard to a Batman and Superman movie at all.”

“We’re going to try to go dark to the extent that the characters allow it,” he said.

So basically that means that they are starting over from stratch and that Superman Returns doesn't count. I know that a lot people are happy about that but, honestly, I really liked Superman Returns and still don't get all the hate that the film has garnered since it was released. I mean, what's the big deal? Why do you people not like this movie? It was well-made, acted, and directed and offered a reasonable sequel to Richard Donner's first one and a half Superman films. It was nostalgic but not to the nauseating point that most say it is. I really saw the film as a breath of fresh air and, at the time, it was one of my favorite superhero films. Sure, it had it's flaws here and there (lack of action every now and then; the whole Superman having a son thing- that's still kind of weird now that I think about it) but, for the most part, it was better than most of the superhero films out at the time. For example, think about how much care and skill went into the making of it compared to superhero films like The Punisher and X-Men: The Last Stand. See, it wasn't that bad. In fact, it was pretty good.

I wish they went with Bryan Singer's initial idea for Superman: Man of Steel which dealt with Superman being more of an angry God... whatever that means. I mean, it sounds cool I guess. 

As for this reboot being on the darker side of things, I have to say that I disagree with that. I know that The Dark Knight made lots of money and was great and all but that was Batman. Batman is supposed to be dark. Superman is the polar opposite of Batman- it's not really dark at all. Forcing a dark theme on Superman would just be... forced... and awkward. Richard Donner and Bryan Singer got the theme and feel of Superman just right, much like Chris Nolan got the theme and feel of Batman just right. Taking that darker tone of Batman and putting it into Superman just won't work. I just feel like every movie is trying to be like The Dark Knight these days. That's were they are going wrong- the reason The Dark Knight worked so well is that Chris Nolan and company went all out on doing something different and original. These movies such as the Superman reboot are going to have to do something that is true to the source material and something that is unique as well.

Now that that is all out of the way... yeah, I gotta say, I'm up for a new Superman movie. I'm bummed that it won't be a follow-up to Superman Returns but... oh well. I just hope that they do something true to the character. I mean, it's Superman, people. And who doesn't want to see another Superman movie on the big screen?

Source: /Film