Saturday, August 9, 2008

Bernie Mac Has Died

Bernie Mac, a popular comedian and actor, died this morning in a Chicago hospital due to complications from pneumonia. According to Cinematical, Mac also suffered from an inflammatory lung disease known as sarcoidosis for quite a while. Mac was 50 years old.

Although I never was a big fan of Mac (though I did really enjoy him in Bad Santa, which is a guilty pleasure of mine), it is always sad to see a performer die, especially at a younger age. It was obvious that this guy had a lot of years of entertainment left in him and it's a shame that he had to go so soon and so suddenly. Man, what is up with this year? So many of Hollywood's actors, performers, and creative personalities are dying. It's a streak that definitely needs to end and end soon.

My thoughts go out to Mac's family. R.I.P. Bernie. 


Jason said...

It is weird that many familiar faces are starting to die off. What makes the more recent ones even sadder is the unexpectedness of them all. And it is only going to get worse. Our favorite Actors and Directors from way back when are all starting to age. It's only a matter of time before the timeliness of it all fails to catch us off guard.