Monday, August 4, 2008

I Just Beat My Personal Theater Viewing Record

I saw The Dark Knight for the fourth time in a theater last night, making it the only movie that I've seen in theaters over three times. When it comes to seeing movies in a theater, I usually limit myself to two viewings in order to make the home viewing experience when it is released on DVD more rewarding. However, every now and then, I will see a movie that I particularly like three times. The Dark Knight is the only film that I've gone over this limit with because, despite being two and half hours, I've never been bored by the film. It's one of the most entertaining, well-made and engaging films that I've ever seen. 

You know what the crazy thing is? I plan seeing the thing two more times in theaters. That's right, I'm going to break my personal theater viewing record by three with this film. If things go as planned, one of those viewings will be in an IMAX theater this week. Just keep your fingers crossed for me.

If you still somehow haven't seen this movie in the theaters yet you be ashamed of yourself and should do so immediately. 


Jason said...

Don't ask me why, but I saw Finding Nemo in the theater 4 times. It is not like it is my favorite Pixar movie or anything, people just kept asking me to go, and I had nothing to do. Oh well. Congratulations on beating the record. Here's to you hopefully going to IMAX. Cheers. *Pour some out for the homeys*