Thursday, August 14, 2008

Super Fast Post of the Week #1: I Love Naomi Watts

I take way too long to write posts. Usually, I take between thirty minutes to about three hours... depending on what I'm writing about and the size of the post. So, tonight, I'm going to try something new: The Super Fast Post of the Week. Similar to Jason's Two Minute Reviews that he used to do, I'm going to give myself a total of ten minutes (not counting the time I give myself to revise my spelling errors, look up pictures and videos, etc.) to write a post on anything movie related... or maybe even not that. Mostly, I just wanna get something down as fast as I can to see how it turns out. Tonight, well... tonight's entry is going to be very special. Tonight, boys and girls, we're talking about love.

I'm in love with Naomi Watts.

I'm jealous...

I cannot remember when I first realized this. It's probably been a while. Maybe it was when we all went to see King Kong that opening Wednesday night (I remember this vividly as it was the last day of exams before school got out for Christmas break on senior year of high school). Who else could replace Fay Wray than Miss Watts herself? She was great- she could be vulnerable when necessary while in other scenes she could hold her own with big Kong himself. Without Naomi in this film, most of the emotional pull would be completely lost. How painful was she able to make that scene when Kong was captured or when he was eventually killed on the Empire State Building just with her facial expressions and tears? Believe it or not, but Naomi made that film ten times better than you realize.

For a woman who was born in 1968, she's a knockout.

I'm not sure what the next film I saw Naomi in was but I can tell you this- no matter what it was, I was sure to take notice. It was probably I Heart Huckabees- a film that I absolutely hated. Still, when she was on the screen, I couldn't help but take notice. After all, how couldn't you?

When I finally got around to seeing Mulholland Drive, that's when I was pretty much gone for this woman. I can remember the moment it happened: the audition scene (which you can watch below). Just watch her. What an amazing actress. That's the thing- she's beautiful and a great actress. I cannot tell you how rare and unusual that is these days. In fact, I think one of the main appeals of Naomi is that she is almost like one of those old classy Hollywood starlets such as Rita Hayworth or Ava Gardner, only more attractive and talented. She really has that old Hollywood feel to her. And I love it. Man, just watch that scene below. She has so much power in her acting. I mean, think about it: she's playing a character that is playing a character who is acting a scene with a guy differently than she originally rehearsed it. That's pretty crazy. And it's impossible to look away.

The next movie that I can remember seeing Naomi in was 21 Grams. As if her acting wasn't great in Mulholland Drive, she did an incredible job in 21 Grams. She manages to go to places that are so deep and dark with her character (if you've seen the movie and know what it is about, then you'll know what I'm talking about) that it is amazing to watch. As with Mulholland Drive, she just has a power over her audience in every scene. It's truly something to witness.

Did you know that she received a voice credit on Babe: Pig in the City? For some reason, that just makes me love her even more.

I recently watched the remake of Funny Games and one of the main reasons I was so invested into the movie was the fact that Naomi was in it and she was in trouble. Talk about some more awesome acting chops being displayed. This girl could run a marathon around all the so-called actresses in Hollywood without even trying. She's so far ahead it's not even funny.

Actually, I was wrong about King Kong being the first movie I saw her in. I saw her in The Ring first. Man, I hated that movie. But... well... I still love Naomi. I don't remember much about it, but I'm sure she was amazing in that as well.

This girl's got it all. I don't care if there's years between us: if she was up to it tomorrow, I'd totally marry her. Really, I would. She's that old, Hollywood starlet and girl that you want to take home to mom all in one. She's pretty got it all: talent, great looks, and the works.

Basically, what I'm trying to say is that I want to kiss Naomi Watts on the mouth.


Jason said...

Great post man. I too have a thing for Naomi Watts. This may become another rivalry like the one with Connie...hmmm? And you wrote all of that in 10 minutes? Impressive! But I guess when your "in love" with someone it is easy to write a lot. And thanks for clarifying that you want to play tonsil hockey with her. I didn't quite get that to begin with!

movie_fan225 said...

Nice. Best last sentence you've posted. Ever.

Wesley said...

Glad you guys liked it. Honestly, this is the most fun I've had writing an article.