Monday, August 4, 2008

John Carpenter's The Thing Remade With GI Joe

One of my favorite horror movies of all time would have to be John Carpenter's The Thing. The film is incredibly mood-driven, claustrophobic and insanely gory. I think the first time I saw the movie I may have gotten a little sick to my stomach. It's pretty nasty. Still, despite this, it's a great horror movie and a true classic of the 1980's horror scene. 

Well, I was cruising around the web the other day when I found this little gem. It's a music video made for the band Zombie Zombie and it basically remakes Carpenter's The Thing with GI Joe toys. One of the main things to note is that, despite being a direct homage to Carpenter's film, it doesn't follow the same plot as his film, going in it's own direction with new characters and story. Because of that, if you haven't seen Carpenter's horror classic, you can still watch the video without the fear of the movie being spoiled for you. Despite the video not following the direct plot of Carpenter's film, it is very similiar and manages to maintain the same mood and feel of that film. Overall, I thought it was a really cool idea and enjoyed watching it. I hope you all feel the same.

Source: Joblo


Jason said...

Confession: I have never seen The Thing. But I did watch this video, and while I had no idea what was going on, I enjoyed it. I will definitely be seeing The Thing very soon!