Monday, August 11, 2008

Jason's Pineapple Express Review

Even though Pineapple Express is rolled and packed from tip to tip with every cliche stoner joke imaginable, Seth Rogen and Evan Goldberg (Superbad) do manage to deliver a little something new here and there. Many people are heralding this as a better movie than Superbad. But I would have to disagree. Most of the jokes just fall flat here, and aside from first half of the film, and the last five minutes, I didn't laugh much. David Gordon Green(Snow Angels, Undertow, blah, blah, drama director, blah)'s direction is all over the place, as he struggles to keep up with the story. The action scenes were substandard with a few humorous moments scattered throughout (The foot through the window for instance). The best performance is James Franco's and although Franco was funny in Freaks and Geeks, I never considered him a great comedic actor. But everything about Franco is great here (And here) as he easily takes the prize for the most lovable drug dealer. Seth Rogen gives a performance that ranks up there with his others, and the rest of the supporting cast all gave performances of varying degrees depending on where we were in the movie. Before I saw the movie, the word I heard the most was "fun." And that is precisely what it is. It's a fun ride if you don't mind a few integrity bumps. I don't quite know what I was expecting, but I couldn't help feeling slightly disappointed as I left the theater after this one.



Wesley said...

I'd actually give it an 8/10. I think that I am one of those people that actually enjoyed it more than Superbad. It just was a lot of fun to watch (plus I watched it with the perfect crowd- in Oxford). I felt like all the jokes worked pretty well and, overall, I just had a good time. Danny McBride was awesome as Red. I don't really have any major complaints.

Jason said...

Danny McBride was just OK. Plus all of the characters from Superbad are more memorable and funnier than the ones from Pineapple Express. It was a weaker movie all-around than what I expected. Now we will have to wait for Tropic Thunder before we finally get the comedy of the summer.

Daniel said...

ok i had this movie pegged since last summer and i was let down a little i will not lie... i agree with jason that pineapple express definitely did not live up to super bad.... i am actully suprised jason that u gave it suck a high rating i was thinking you would ball park at like a 5.5 or 6.... like i said i had been excited about this movie since last summer but i just cant get over the 30 minutes of wasted time where i did not laugh in the movie, but i did get to see it with one hot dude thanks jason!