Monday, August 11, 2008

New Friday the 13th DVD Box Set Coming From Paramount

This article is mainly for our friend moviefan225 who has been wanting to go in with me to buy the existing Friday the 13th box set by Paramount (which is called From Crystal Lake to Manhattan) ever since we watched Friday the 13th Part 3 on TV late one night. However, for one reason or another, I've skipped out on purchasing this box set. For the most part, it was because of the lamenting from the hardcore Jason fans that bought the set only to be horrified to find flipper discs with two movies to a disc and... gasp... mono sound. Yeah, Paramount really screwed people over with that last set. There were a few documentaries here and there, but for the most part, I hear it was pretty bare bones. Aside from the poor transfers of the films, all the cut footage was left on the cutting room floor- something that fans of the series have been waiting to see for quite a while now (for those who don't know, most of the films were originally rated X and had to undergo massive re-cuts on violence to gain an R rating- many blame former head of the MPAA Jack Valentine for this).

For those who unaware, Paramount has always been pretty ashamed of the Friday the 13th series. They've always viewed the films as overly trashy smut but, because of the insane amount of money they made (with the already low budgets), they keep making them. Ever since they handled the franchise over to the now defunct New Line Cinema, they've been churning out crappy DVD versions of the films. Because, let's face it, they're only interested in the money.

While the last box set (despite having awesome cover art) was an obvious cash-in, who knows what we can expect from this upcoming box set. It's obviously to cash in on the release of the Friday the 13th remake from Platinum Dunes but, who knows, maybe we can get some quality from the set. After all, Paramount is listed as a production company on the remake. Maybe this means they have had a change of heart. And maybe...just maybe... Jason Goes to Hell, Jason X, and Freddy vs. Jason will all be included in the set along with the eight other Friday the 13th films. That would be something else.

Since I'm not the biggest Friday the 13th fan in the world (I was always more of a Halloween guy), I won't be offended if the extras aren't the best in the world. However, Paramount is going to have to show a little effort and at least give each film it's own disc, new transfer, and some surround sound... it's not that hard guys. And it would be nice to finally get the uncut version of Friday the 13th Part 7: A New Blood (the director stated in the commentary for the last set that he would do anything to be allowed to place the deleted footage back into the film- apparently Paramount really screwed him over).

Anyways, no details have been released on the box set yet but we can only hope for the best. If this thing is awesome, I'm gonna buy it the day it comes out and have a marathon with moviefan225. It will be something.

Also, as a bonus, I decided to post a bootleg of the Comic-Con trailer for the Friday the 13th remake. I saw this thing a month ago but it got taken off YouTube before I could post it. This could be taken off too so watch it quick. As far as the trailer goes, it definitely shows that the remake will be as over-stylized as all the remakes that come out of Platinum Dunes. Still, I think it will be fun. After all, I'm not really close to this series as I am with most horror series. That shot at the end with Jason charging at a guy with a machete in hand is pretty awesome though. Yeah... Jason was charging. That's never happened before.

Who knows, it could be fun. I'm going.


movie_fan225 said...

Awesome. Just... awesome. I cannot wait for this marathon of mayhem. It will truly kick ass.

Jason said...

Hopefully they will do it right this time. I am just going to wait until the details come out though...