Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Babylon A.D. Joins the List of Movies Getting the Shaft

Just yesterday, I did a post about how The Midnight Meat Train got screwed over by Lionsgate Studios by being dumped in only 100 one dollar theaters on August 1st. Vin Diesel's latest Sci-Fi film Babylon A.D. can join the list of films such as the aforementioned The Midnight Meat Train and Punisher: War Zone that are being mistreated and re-tooled for the worst by their studios. 

Fox Studios, which has been on a real negativity run lately (the Watchmen law suit; the Wolverine sabotage), changed the movie so much that even its director Mathieu Kassovitz thinks it sucks.

“I should have chosen a studio that has guts,” Kassovitz told AMC. “Fox was just trying to get a PG-13 movie. I’m ready to go to war against them, but I can’t because they don’t give a sh*t. …I don’t see how people who went through all these amazing blockbusters like The Dark Knight and Iron Man this summer will take [Babylon A.D.].”

When reached for a comment on the film, Vin Diesel stated:

“Am I even in the movie any more, or am I on the cutting room floor?” the actor joked.

Nice job, Fox. What exactly was the point of all this? I've seen pretty much zero advertising for this movie (and what little I have seen is awful) and even the director and lead actor have come out and said that the film is a train wreck. Oh yeah, and it's sitting at 0% on Rotten Tomatoes right now. I just don't get it. 

I stated that Fox was my least favorite studio at the moment in my Wolverine Might Suck article but this news only confirms it. No, I wasn't exactly looking forward to this movie or anything but it really is sickening to read news of someone's vision and talent being cut down by a studio that obviously doesn't care about anything logical or beneficial anymore.

Source: /Film


movie_fan225 said...

Hey everybody. I'm back. And hopefully will be for the permanent. I will post comments as needed. Moviefan, out.

Fletch said...

Hey - Fox distributed the Star Wars prequels so, uh, I guess they've got that going for them. Or not.

Poor Vin. Apparently, there aren't too many good action scripts out there for him.

Anonymous said...

the previews for Babylon AD made me expect something a lot more original... it totally felt like a cross between Minority Report and the Fifth Element