Monday, August 18, 2008

Spondo of the Day: Tobey Maguire Provoked

My definition for Spondo is still in the review process on Urban Dictionary, so here again is the definition I submitted, complete with examples.

"Spondo" is a term used to describe the action of slapping an item or object violently out of the hands of an innocent bystander causing that object to fall to the ground/floor. This can take place when the person is just walking innocently beside you, or when they go to hand you something. The objects can be anything including, but not limited to, food, notebooks, pencils, etc. After you have successfully slapped the object out of their hands, you yell "SPONDO" as loud as you can.


1. You can only slap the object in a downward motion.

2. The object or thing has to be in their hand. For instance, you cannot Spondo baseball caps.

3. "YOU" cannot hand someone something, and then immediately proceed to Spondo it. Do not force it. Spondos are generally obvious and abundant.

4. You must yell "Spondo," or it doesn't count.


When Jimmy went to hand me a Dr. Pepper, I slapped it out of his hand and yelled "SPONDO" so the whole cafeteria could hear! I think I ruined his shoes though.

When me and Elaine passed each other in the hall at school, I slapped her notebook out of her hand and yelled "SPONDO." She spent the entire 3rd period picking up all of her papers.

When Robert wasn't paying attention, I slapped his gerbil out of his hands and yelled "SPONDO." Everyone laughed even though the gerbil died.

Today's entry into the Spondo foray is essentially an instructional video where Tobey Maguire gives us pretty good idea of how the Spondo works. He did everything right except follow Rule #4.


movie_fan225 said...

It was almost as if he had a look of glee on his face as he slapped the man's camera away. Which gives me glee.

movie_fan225 said...

Also, just throwing this out there, but you guys got bumped from 95 to 96 in a matter of like 3 hours. I hope you make it into the 50's soon. That'd be crazy.

Daniel said...

my new favorite article on ydks thanks jason for letting the world in on the spondo revolution

Wesley said...

That guy totally had it coming. Good job, Tobey.

Anonymous said...

Sometimes when we're walking to the car and I have my keys in my hand, Charles hits my elbow and makes my keys fly forward. Is this an example of Spondo or something more sinister?
BTW Jason, got DSL at the house! Who's living in the 2000's now, huh?