Friday, August 15, 2008

Spondo of the Day: Star Wars: The Clone Wars Tickets

For those of you who do not know what "Spondo" is, below is the entry I just submitted to Urban Dictionary complete with the examples.

"Spondo" is a term used to describe the action of slapping an item or object violently out of the hands of an innocent bystander causing that object to fall to the ground/floor. This can take place when the person is just walking innocently beside you, or when they go to hand you something. The objects can be anything including, but not limited to, food, notebooks, pencils, etc. After you have successfully slapped the object out of their hands, you yell "SPONDO" as loud as you can.


1. You can only slap the object in a downward motion.

2. The object or thing has to be in their hand. For instance, you cannot Spondo baseball caps.

3. "YOU" cannot hand someone something, and then immediately proceed to Spondo it. Do not force it. Spondos are generally obvious and abundant.

4. You must yell "Spondo," or it doesn't count.


When Jimmy went to hand me a Dr. Pepper, I slapped it out of his hand and yelled "SPONDO" so the whole cafeteria could hear! I think I ruined his shoes though.

When me and Elaine passed each other in the hall at school, I slapped her notebook out of her hand and yelled "SPONDO." She spent the entire 3rd period picking up all of her papers.

When Robert wasn't paying attention, I slapped his gerbil out of his hands and yelled "SPONDO." Everyone laughed even though the gerbil died.

Spondo is a recent fad that has taken off quite well in our little neck of the woods thanks to the effort of me and some of my friends. But I have always had trouble trying to implement it in the movie world. Well, that has all changed today. With the recent release of the disastrous new Star Wars movie by Lucas and his new (less talented) team of animators, I deem it necessary to stop anyone and everyone from seeing this movie.

Star Wars is dying people. Not literally in the sense because we still have this turd being released today (Admittedly, I haven't seen the film yet, but I can feel deep down in the extra part of my soul reserved for anything specifically related to Star Wars that it is not very strong with the Force ), and we still have the upcoming TV series and video games. But it is dying in our hearts. I cannot remember the last time people web wide were so apathetic to a Star Wars release of any kind. Fans and Fanboys alike are revolting. Ain't It Cool News (Moriarty's Article just added to the sadness) has already expressed great disdain for the film, and JoBlo just gave the film a 0/10. My heart is broken that the Star Wars Universe has just turned into a money making gimmick by none other than the mastermind himself.

So, using the above rules and definition of Spondo, anyone you see with one of those dreaded tickets in their hand must be punished in order to ultimately punish Lucas himself. Maybe in time (before he dies), we can get Lucas to realize what he has done to all of us and make him change his ways. Or, at the very least, apologize for ruining everything.


Wesley said...

I like this new article, Jason. Make it a series.

Think about how mean it would be to spondo a Clone Wars ticket out of a little kid's hands. That would be terrible... and really funny.