Saturday, August 16, 2008

Re-Watching: Guilty Pleasures

Invasion of the B Movies is having a Guilty Pleasures Blog-A-Thon and has invited members of the LAMB to the participate. So I, Jason, have decided to forgo embarrassment and provide you with a look at my Top 10 Guilty Pleasure Movies. Fletch at Blog Cabins has provided some very good guilty pleasure movie definitions that I used in my assembling my list. Check it out below in no particular order. Also, check out Wesley's Guilty Pleasures from a post he wrote back in May.

The Matrix Revolutions

Revolutions was the worst received installment of The Matrix Trilogy. But upon re-watching this a couple weeks ago, I am willing to say it is my favorite of the saga. Revolutions is both beautiful and stunning, but the reason it is on the list is because it has since become both universally and undeservingly hated. I am not embarrassed to express how much I love this movie, but whenever I do, the look of disappointment on people's face says a lot about how this movie is still being received.

IMDB Rating - 6.4/10
Rotten Tomatoes Rating - 37%


Chuck Norris and Jonathan Brandis make for one awesome martial arts movie. And although it is extremely corny, this movie inspired me on many levels at my young age. I still have never been able to climb a rope like that though.

IMDB Rating - 3.9/10
Rotten Tomatoes Rating - 17%

Final Fantasy: The Spirits Within

This movie was so well made, it is hard to believe no one would even give it the time of day. The animation was simply breathtaking, and the story involves some thrilling Sci-fi action and themes. The fact that it does not follow any of the story lines of the games was disappointing however, and probably the sole reason for its failure. On the DVD, there are plenty of Easter Eggs including a remake of Michael Jackson's Thriller dance sequence using all the characters from the film, and computer generated photos of the main female character in some sexy bikinis.

IMDB Rating - 6.4/10
Rotten Tomatoes Rating - 44%

Final Destination 2

Yeah, this movie is pretty bad. But the deaths are all so amazing, that they make up for any flaws the story, acting, and twists may have. Wesley has called this the perfect group movie. I would have to agree.

IMDB Rating - 6.4/10
Rotten Tomatoes Rating - 46%

Joe's Apartment

The first film produced by MTV. The first movie role of Don Ho. Singing and dancing cockroaches. What more do you want?

IMDB Rating - 5.0/10
Rotten Tomatoes Rating - 12%

Lilo and Stitch

Lilo and Stitch is going to be the best reviewed movie on the list simply because this movie is in fact awesome. But it is not one of those movies you expect to hear someone say they genuinely like out loud. At least not from a 23 year old guy with awesome movie opinions. But I love this movie, and will even go so far as to declare it is a genius, animated classic.

IMDB Rating - 7.1/10
Rotten Tomatoes Rating - 86%

Best of the Best II

Please tell me you have seen this movie? Best of the Best II is terrible. But I love it so much. This is my absolute favorite underground fighting movie. Also Eric Roberts is so awesome in it, Chris Penn plays a karate cowboy, and Wayne Newton makes one heck of a villain. In fact, this just got done rewinding in my VCR. Yeah, you read that right.

IMDB Rating - 4.0/10
Rotten Tomatoes Rating - 11%


From the mastermind Clive Barker we get Candyman. And I know all of you have gone into the bathroom, turned out the lights, and said "Candyman" five times into the mirror. While this may not be a total guilty pleasure movie because of its reception by critics when it was first released, I still think it counts. And it was even good enough to warrant an upcoming remake. Plus bees, hook hands, and black guys in trench coats really are scary.

IMDB Rating - 6.4/10
Rotten Tomatoes Rating - 74%


Guillermo Del Toro's films all have that dark twinge to them. And it is at full effect here. I don't know why, but this little horror film was just cool to me. There is something about Mimic that draws me in every time and I always enjoy watching it. Along with Best of the Best II, I still have my VHS copy of this.

IMDB Rating - 5.6/10
Rotten Tomatoes Rating - 54%

Surf Ninjas

Wow, this movie is the pure definition of "so bad, its awesome." But I still love it, and enjoy talking about it with the few people in the world that share my enthusiasm. I am sure I have seen Surf Ninjas well into triple digit count, and it is likely never to grow old. There is just to much to say about it for just this one article!

IMDB Rating - 4.2/10
Rotten Tomatoes Rating - 0%

Well, that's it. I hope you enjoyed laughing at me a bit. And as usual, Watch then Re-Watch!


Wesley said...

Nice post. The Journey picture at the top was a very appropriate choice. I'll be honest, I haven't seen a lot of these. However, Sidekicks, Surf Ninjas, and Final Destination 2 all hold a very special place in my heart.

I did a Guilty Pleasures list of my own back in May. Check it out here:

Jason said...

I am going to link it in this article. Sorry man, I forgot about that, or I would have already done it.

Jason said...

Dude, I totally almost put King Kong (1976) on my list as well.

Jason Soto said...

Thanks for participating! Great list! I think any true guilty pleasure list has to list at least one Chuck Norris film. Unfortunately I didn't know which one to go with for mine so I plan on giving Mr. Norris his own week.
-The Other Jason