Monday, August 4, 2008

Speech of the Week #2

Hey guys, welcome to a new column here on YDKS Movies entitled Speech of the Week! For now on, every Monday I will post a new scene from a movie that features a speech of some sort being given. After all, there are a lot of famous scenes in film where characters give an influential speech of some sort. Then again, there are also a lot of scenes where characters give a speech and it just comes off cheesy and lame. In this section, you will see both kinds. That's right, people, I'm giving you the good and bad of film speeches all wrapped up in one great big package. I hope you all enjoy.

This week's speech definitely borders on the bad and cliche. After all, it is taken from one of the worst video game adaptations to film in history: Street Fighter. I'll be honest, when I was a kid, I remember enjoying this movie for the most part. But even then, in my infantile state of mind, I remember thinking this speech was bad. And it is... it's so unbelievably bad.

At this point in the film, Guile (the great Jean-Claude Van Dam) has been ordered to shut down his operation and cancel his attack on M. Bison because the suits have decided to negotiate with the terrorist. After being given this order, Guile gives this inspirational speech that makes all of his soldiers just go ahead with the attack any way. It's incredibly mawkish and manipulative- just look for all those laughably bad cut aways to the facial reactions of the soldiers. My brother and I still repeat Van Dam's deliver of the line, "I'm gonna kick Bison's ass soooo hard... that the next Bison wanna-be is gonna feel it!" in that awesome Van Dam accent whenever possible. It's a truly awful scene but, in my heart, it will always be a classic. Enjoy. 

You gotta admit, that was great in it's own way. After all, this speech was one of the reasons for this column in the first place. I just had to share this awfulness with all of you.


Jason said...

Really bad, yet good only because of the peace of mind brought on by none other than the nostalgic conscience in us all. Kind of like Surf Ninjas eh?