Saturday, August 16, 2008

Freaks and Geeks Meets Inglorious Bastards; Simon Pegg Out

/Film is reporting that Samm Levine, who played Neil Schweiber on one of my favorite TV shows of all time Freaks and Geeks, has been cast in Quentin Tarantino's WWII epic Inglorious Bastards- adding to the already strange cast of comedic actors and Brad Pitt. 

Well... maybe not so comedic- /Film also reporting that Simon Pegg (Shaun of the Dead) has dropped out of the production due to scheduling conflicts all around. This sucks because, of all the comedic actors cast, he was the one that I had the most faith in. Hopefully Tarantino can find a suitable replacement for Pegg and not someone cringe worthy like Adam Sandler's replacement in Mike Myers. Ugh...

Anyways, regardless on whether or not this is going to be a good movie or not, it's definitely going to be an extremely interesting one. I've never found a film's casting so strange that I have the urge to report on it every time some one new is cast in the film. So at least the film has that mysterious curiosity factor going for it. And plus, come on, it's Quentin Tarantino doing a WWII epic. How crazy is that? 

I do have to say that I'm actually kind of excited that Levine has been cast in the film. Sure, he's an unlikely choice (like pretty much everyone else that has been cast) but I was a big fan of him in Freaks and Geeks (Neal was my second favorite character- Bill was my favorite though). It's obvious that he's pretty talented and he definitely has some good comic timing. It will be interesting to see what Tarantino does with him.

So what else do you have in store for us, Tarantino? Who are you gonna cast next? Come on, I can take it. Just remember, you have a lot of off-the-wall-cocaine-inspired-insane casting to live up too. So, whoever is next, it better be good (and by good, I mean bat-shit crazy random).

Source: /Film 


Jason said...

Dude, I am stoked about Samm Levine being cast. Because of this announcement, I have since begun re-watching Freaks and Geeks. Also, Boo about Simon Pegg.