Monday, July 28, 2008

Buy The Spaced DVD Immediately

I've been wanted to watch Spaced for quite a while now. Last year, I finally got to watch two episodes of it on TV Links but, for some reason, I never watched any more. Well, in case you missed it, the entire series was released on a great 3-Disc DVD set last week for about $39.99. 

In case you are not familiar with the show, it was created by director Edgar Wright (Shaun of the Dead, Hot Fuzz) and actors Simon Pegg (also of Shaun of the Dead fame) and Jessica Stevenson. It centers around two young twenty-somethings named Tim and Daisy (Pegg and Stevenson) who pose as a couple in order to rent out a two bedroom flat. The show revolves around the two living together and all the strange people they encounter in the flat such as Brian the artist and Marsha the alcoholic landlady. Nick Frost (who was also featured in Shaun of the Dead and Hot Fuzz) also stars as Tim's best friend Mike, who is in the army. The show was created before Wright and Pegg hit it big with Shaun of the Dead and features a lot of their trademark humor and creativity. It also features a lot of clever film references and homages to movies such as The Shining, Jurassic Park, Star Wars, The Evil Dead, One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest, American Werewolf in London, Taxi Driver (my favorite reference because it was so subtle), and many more.

Although I really enjoyed the first series of the show, I absolutely fell in love with the second series. Austin and I started watching it last night around 8 and ended up watching the entire thing in one sitting. It was one of the funniest things that I've ever sat through. I also liked how touching it got towards the end of the series. Everything about it was just perfect. In fact, I can't wait to re-watch it again soon.

It's really hard to not like this show. It's more clever than most series that I've seen and is funnier than any show on American television right now (well... not as funny as The Office, but it tends to come close at times). By the end, you really come to love all the characters that inhabit the show and are pretty sad to see it all come to an end. As for me, my favorite character was Brian. That scene in the first episode where he describes the type of art he creates still kills me every time I see it.

In the end, there was no way that I couldn't love a show that devotes an entire episode to Tim sitting in the flat and playing Resident Evil 2 on his Playstation (an episode that marks the ground work for Shaun of the Dead).

If the show isn't enough for you, the DVD set is incredible. It has tons of Deleted Scenes, Raw footage, a feature length retrospective documentary on the show, a Q and A feature, and commentaries on every episode with special guest commentators such as Kevin Smith, Quentin Tarantino, Matt Stone, Patton Oswald, Diablo Cody, and more.

So get out there and buy this show. It deserves a place on your DVD shelf. In case my words of praise have no convinced you, below I have included a video from Episode 5 from Series 2. When I saw this scene last night, I just couldn't stop laughing. There's another scene that is similar to this one at the end of this episode but I decided to not include it. After all, you gotta have something to look forward to when you watch it. Enjoy. 


movie_fan225 said...

So I've been meaning to tell you that if you find that Friday the 13th series on DVD again, buy it and I'll pay you back for my half. Random thought of the day.

Wesley said...

Friday the 13th is great and all, but it does not deserve to be mentioned in a column about Spaced. Just so you know (and yes I'll go in with you, though you should buy Spaced first).

movie_fan225 said...

I didn't even read the post. I will later maybe, but I just felt I should tell you that before I forgot. Just coincidence that it was on this post.

Austin said...

Spaced is possibly my favorite tv series of all time at the moment, it was pure brilliance.

Wesley said...

What do you mean you will read the post MAYBE. Not only should you read it but you should watch the video I posted. You must be exposed to the glory that is Spaced.

movie_fan225 said...

Ehh... maybe....

Jason said...

Looks awesome. Too bad I am poor! As awesome as it looks, it is not worth me going into debt for at the moment.