Saturday, July 12, 2008

YDKS Beats Malco and Gets a Dark Knight Midnight Showing!

Click to enlarge.

In case you guys don't remember, about a week or so ago, Jason got me all hyped up to go to a midnight showing of The Dark Knight (and thus my first midnight show ever) and I was pretty much heartbroken to find out that Malco Grandview, my favorite local theater (and the only local theater that offers digital projections) was not going to offer one. So, I got on YDKS to rant about in the article here. I posted Malco's phone number and hoped that others would follow me in calling them as much as possible, hoping to get a midnight showing of the film secured.

Well, after a week or so of me, Jason, and others calling Malco and getting some angry answers here and there, the place has finally decided to give one midnight showing of the film. Honestly, I don't know what their problem is or has been. Midnight showings of this film are pretty much sold out all across the country. Tinseltown, another one of our local theaters, is doing four midnight showings. Other theaters (mostly IMAXs) are having to do both 3 am showings and 6 am showings due to popular demand. And what's Malco do? Well, first they act like they're not going to have a midnight showing and then they decide they'll just have it on one screen. Seriously, I don't know what their deal has been.

Anyways, the good news that they are going to do a midnight showing and we all have tickets! I can't wait you guys, I just can't wait. If you live in the Jackson / Madison, MS area (or if you don't but still want to come along... after all, Jason and Daniel are driving from Philadelphia to watch it here), please buy some tickets online here and join us. I'm hoping for it to be a really fun event. After all, it is my first ever midnight show. Let's make it a party. 

To celebrate, Austin made another piece of artwork commemorating our little victory here. I think it's pretty awesome. Jason looks like a total bad a. 

Hope to see you guys at the midnight show.


Preston said...

I wouldn't expect any less.

Jason said...

Austin, I don't know how you do it, but you manage to top yourself with each subsequent poster release. I am literally bowing to my laptop in adoration for your amazing vision. Thank you.

movie_fan225 said...

Happy day! Damn the fact that I have a test the next day! What I would give to get to go..........