Wednesday, July 2, 2008

What Do You Mean You Don't Know If You're Going To Have A Midnight Showing?!

The Joker's only smiling about this news because he's a homicidal maniac.

I realize that we get readers not only from all parts of the United States here at YDKS Movies, but from all over the globe. Still, with that said, this post is centered more to those in the Jackson, Mississippi area. I know that I've alluded to this in the past, but here in Jackson, the greatest theater available is Malco Grandview in Madison, MS. It is the only theater in our area that offers glorious digital projections (which I have honestly fallen head-over-heels in love with). As I have gotten more and more OCD / insane over the past year or so, Malco has become the only theater that I will go to in order to see a film that I am looking forward to. Sure, it still has idiot people that will never shut up during a screening. However, due to their flawless digital projections (with perfect image and sound), I at least won't have to worry about the technical side of my theater experience. Plus, their showings tend to be so loud that you can't hear all the ADHD inflicted idiots on their cell phones or with kids around you (I swear if I see any kids in The Dark Knight I might lose it- this is an adult comic book movie; it is not for children!). 

Anyways, I'm starting to rant again. The reason for this post is that, over the past few days, Jason has been working on me and has finally sweet talked me into going to the midnight showing of The Dark Knight. Despite being one of the biggest movie nerds / junkies that I know, I have actually never been a midnight show. I know... it's crazy right? Me. Never been to a midnight show. Anyways, after all of Jason's cajoling, I figured what the hell, if I was ever to go to a midnight showing, why wouldn't The Dark Knight be my first? After all, I've been geeking out and obsessing over this movie for the past few months on this site like it's nobody's business. My obsession tends to get more and more unhealthy as the days pass... I swear guys, I'm even dreaming of this thing. I'm dreaming of going to see it. Then I wake up to find more and more extremely positive early reviews and it's just killing me. Come on, July 18th! Get here!

Anyways, getting off-topic again. Like I said, Jason had finally talked me into going to a midnight showing to The Dark Knight. Heck, I've even been considering dressing up as the Joker for the thing. Why not? Never has an opportunity to geek out been more at my feet. Why not just go all the way? So, with all this mind, I gave Malco a phone call, asking if they were in fact doing a midnight showing. I mean, why wouldn't they? At this point in time, The Dark Knight has already out sold Spider-man 3 in ticket sales and most of all of the midnight showings around the country (mostly in the IMAXs) are sold out. Some theaters have even been adding a 3 am screening just due to popular demand. So, was my midnight showing at Malco going to be sold out? Ummm... wait a minute, you guys don't even know if you're having one? Are you serious? Why wouldn't you have one? How can this happen? Finally, I've amped myself up to do this midnight showing and Malco's doubtful that they'll even have one? I think I'm offended.

I tried to explain to the guy over the phone that the popular demand for this thing is insane, but he didn't seem to believe me. I mean, who doesn't want to see this movie? If you don't want to see The Dark Knight, then you're dead inside. Really, if you don't want to see this thing, then you have no business watching films period. Everyone wants to see this movie. Everyone.

So, if you live in the Jackson / Madison area (or even if you don't), please call Malco and demand that they do a midnight showing for this movie. To not do so would be a crime greater than murder. 

Here's their phone number: 601-898-7819

Please help this good cause. Really, I don't think I can wait till later that Friday to see this epic piece of cinema.


Jason said...

I just called them and they told me they were not having one at all! This sucks! How do you feel about Tinseltown Wes?

Austin said...

...this is why there is no other choice besides a revolution...

Wesley said...

Tinseltown is a maybe but I'm still hoping that Malco will offer a showing. I want to see this thing for the first time in a digital projection bad.

movie_fan225 said...

I will call every single day in order to see this thing in beautiful digital projection. It wouldn't be right otherwise. Woe be to Malco if they cop out and don't have a showing that night. I swear, I will castrate someone over this...

Anonymous said...

I called yesterday and the guy I talked to said they probably wouldn't have a midnight showing. He seemed really annoyed with me. I hate that guy...