Thursday, July 24, 2008

Darren Aronofsky Is Officially Directing Robocop Sequel / Reboot

Well guys, it's official. Jason posted a rumor about this a few weeks ago but it has now been confirmed by MGM: visionary director Darren Aronofsky (Requiem for a Dream, The Fountain) is officially directing a sequel / reboot of Robocop. At first, it was rumored that the film he was making was going to be a remake (boo!) but, apparently that is not the case. The film will instead take place 20 years after the Robocop program was shut down in the future. They also tend to be pointing at an R-rating (unlike the lame Robocop 3, which was Pg-13... poor Fred Dekker... it killed his career completely). 

I'm all for this idea. The idea of remaking a classic like Robocop absolutely horrified me (as most remakes do). However, with Aronofsky rumored to be attached, I was slightly okay with the idea. But now that the film is a sequel and reboot of the series, I'm one hundred percent behind it. Let's face it- Robocop is awesome. Robocop and Darren Aronofsky together is a kind of awesome that we've never seen before. Really, this could be something special. 

For thing is for sure- they definitely have to go with an R-rating. I know that I tend to say this a lot lately, but you cannot take an R-rated series and go the PG-13 route. It just doesn't work. Heck, just look at Robocop 3- that movie was a piece of garabage that had little resemblance to the original two films. That and the fact that they killed Lewis was unforgivable. I don't know what they were thinking... Seriously though, the original Robocop was one of the most violent movies of all time (and for a reason- it was trying to show the desensitizing effects of modern and media violence). In fact, the original cut was rated X (and you can find this version on DVD) and had to be cut down by director Paul Verhoeven to even get an R rating. 

Robocop is one of my favorite movies. It had a great story, some crazy symbolism (Verhoeven has been very vocal on how Murphy's murder was to meant echo the crucifixion of Jesus Christ), amazing action and effects, and even a classic score by Basil Poledouris. The film was raw and grittier than most films that have come out in the last ten years. Hopefully, Aronofsky can make a sequel that is just as classic and hard-hitting as the original film. After all, nobody ever wants to see Robocop flying around again (starts at 1:40; also this trailer tends to give away the entire film so you'll never have to see the awful thing). 

Source: /Film


Jason said...

Hopefully this is not the start of a series of career ending decisions...

movie_fan225 said...
