Sunday, July 27, 2008

YDKS Movies on Heroes and Dreams

Click to enlarge.

I just wanted you all to know that YDKS Movies now has a page on Heroes and Heroes and Dreams is a local comic book store that Austin and I have been visiting a lot lately and they have been very supportive of the site, even giving us a plug on the Dark Knight Midnight Show Coverage the other week. By joining their site, we are joining a whole new network of interconnected fans of movies, comics, and everything else that is cool in this world. We're hoping that it will get us a stronger readership. Check out the page here. I haven't done much with it yet, but it's better than nothing.

To commemorate this occasion, Austin made the new piece of artwork that you see above. If you are a fan of comics, you will recognize it as an homage to the cover of Amazing Fantasy #15, which was the first comic book that Spider-man made an appearance in. If you have good eyes, you will be able to spot his clever placement of Heroes and Dreams's logo. I really like this piece. I like how Austin keeps incorporating that picture of me in that red hoody and how he keeps transforming the hoody into either: a) a Batmask or b) a Spider-man themed hood. And if you can't tell, yes that's a film reel logo on my chest instead of a Spider symbol. I also like how Austin even manipulated the "Also in this issue" text box. Pretty awesome stuff there. I'm sad that Jason had to be the villain in this piece but I guess he'll get over it. After all, he was front and center in that YDKS Theatrical Poster

Yeah, that's right Jason. It's my time to shine. 

I hope you guys like the new artwork and be sure to check out our Heroes and Dreams page.


Jason said...

That is simply the coolest thing I have ever seen. And I am totally cool with you being the hero man. You know you're number one in my heart right? It appears that I am actually enjoying Wesley Spider-man carrying me away. Or should I say, sweeping me off my feet? Ok, enough gayness. Thanks Austin for the always amazing new project you made for us. You are truly a master!

movie_fan225 said...

It just keeps getting better and better.