Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Join the YDKS Revolution on Facebook!

Hey guys. We've been alluding to this for a quite a while now, but our YDKS Revolution group on Facebook is finally up. You can join the group here.

As stated before, we hope that this Facebook campaign will not only increase our readership but help connect our readers together. We are also hoping to use Facebook to notify our readers of major site changes and what we have planned for the week ahead. So if you have a Facebook, please join our group. And, as always, keep on reading.


Anonymous said...

Hey everybody, I joined The YDKS Revolution, and you should too! Come on everyone!

Austin said...

Yes, even you, creepy super excited person of sorts, can contribute to the revolution. So why not? You might as well go ahead and join to be on our goods sides, for if you don't you may very well be on our bad sides when we come to power. So make the right choice...

movie_fan225 said...

I don't know about you guys, but I started the revolution months ago. Try and keep up.