Saturday, July 12, 2008

I Will Never See This

If you are actually excited to see the movie Twilight or you have read the books... we cannot be friends. I really cannot stress this enough. This movie looks so awful that it's not even funny. Really, it looks like anti-cinema. Maybe not as much as anti-cinema as Meet Dave looks... but still, pretty bad. And just look at the cover of Entertainment Weekly above. How laughably bad is that? Look at that guy. Are you not laughing? I am. Who is this movie trying to appeal to? Seriously, do people actually want to see this trash? Who reads this crap? I can't believe I even posted that picture of that cover above... It's so bad. I kind of want to kill myself just for posting it. Really, I do. 

For those who don't know, Twilight is some book series published by Mormon author Stephanie Meyer about a teenage vampire love story or something. I don't really know the plot very well to be honest and I don't feel like looking it up because, honestly, I could care less about it. I hear it's all a big story about abstinence and it's very melodramatic and stuff like that. Basically, it's something I'd never want to read or watch on the big screen. Anyways, some how the series is just as big as Harry Potter (which I'm not a fan of but I can at least admit has some literary merit compared to this trash) and has a giant fan base (cult) of teenage girls that call themselves "Twilighters." This has to be the lamest series and following that I've seen in a long time. I'm sure the movie will do great because of the cult behind it but, man oh man, do I want it to fail miserably. 

I mean, just look at that magazine cover at the top of the article. Does that make you actually want to see this movie? Does it? Looks horrible. 

Source: /Film


Austin said...

HAhahahaha...oh my god, that is possibly the gayest thing I have ever seen. I was gonna go off on some revolutionary rant about how the people who liked that stuff would have their own section in the reeducation program, but its just too damn funny to go off on a rant on.

Jason said...

Yeah, I will never watch that. Looks about as bad as Transformers!

To answer all of your questions presented in the post:

This movie definitely looks bad enough to be laughed at.

Yes, I am laughing (a lot actually). That dude is whiter than Michael Jackson

I guess this movie is trying to appeal to the Twighliters and probably Thomas Webb.

Unfortunately, me and the other 6 billion people see trash everyday which means WALL-E dominance is coming soon.

I don't know who reads that crap but I never want to read crap anyway, you would have to hold it to close to your nose.

The cover doesn't make me want to see the movie at all, I have already spent 3 minutes laughing about it (see above).

I just said no. You are starting to scare me...

Anonymous said...

And I thought i was the only one who thought Twilight was gay. I may sleep peacefully tonight knowing that others think as I do and that I'm not alone. Thank you YDKS...thank you.

movie_fan225 said...

Mark my words... this movie WILL win an award in the next MTV Movie Awards. You just wait...