Monday, July 14, 2008

Welcome to Dark Knight Week

"And here we go..."

Hello everyone and welcome to Dark Knight Week here on YDKS Movies. We've all been really looking forward to this week as it gives us the excuse to completely geek out for you, the generous reading public, and post everything Batman related that we can think of. It also gives us an excuse to change the look of the site for a week (that white background was really starting to get to me... let me tell ya) and put up some new awesome (and hilarious) artwork by Austin. Look at that banner at the top? How great is that? Austin also made us a nice Joker graffiti poster (pictured at the top of this article) that is inspired by all the artwork on The Dark Knight's brilliant viral marketing campaign. Yeah, he called Jason a "Bat-Lover." Pretty bad diss there.

Anyways, I hope that everyone enjoys The Dark Knight here on YDKS Movies. It really is just going to be a whole lot of fun. Other than all the Batman related articles Jason and I have planned (look for a couple of lists and maybe even some reviews of previous Batman films), we're going to top the week off with not only a report (with pictures hopefully) of The Dark Knight midnight show but (finally) a review of our most anticipated film of the year! Guys, I cannot wait. It comes out this week. How could we not make the whole week a celebration just for the film? How could we not do that?

Also, I'd like to add that Austin and I will be attending the Jackson, Mississippi ComiCon this Saturday and we will be giving some coverage (and pictures) of that event here on YDKS Movies. Yeah, you heard me right: Jackson, Mississippi is having a ComiCon. How ridiculous is that? It's not going to be remotely like San Diego, but hey, it's local and it's only a dollar to get in. We're looking forward to it!

I hope you all enjoy not only Dark Knight Week but The Dark Knight itself when it is unleashed upon us come this Friday. Until then, kick back and geek out with us on YDKS Movies as we express our deep, heart felt love for a crazy billionaire that happens to enjoy dressing up like a bat.


movie_fan225 said...

I am so truly excited that this week has finally arrived. Its soooo glorious!

Jason said...

I didn't think the revolution poster could get any better!