Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Ok, Tony Jaa is Back...

Just kidding!

So yesterday, right after, and I mean right after, I had finished posting that Tony Jaa had disappeared into the depths of the jungle because of directorial stress, I wandered over to IGN for my everything-nerd fix for the day, and found this:

Last night, Tony Jaa appeared on a TV talk show to explain why he disappeared from the Ong-Bak 2 set back in June. Apparently Jaa even broke down when talking about missing money he was suppose to receive on his producer's good promises. Jaa went onto explain that he had not abandoned the picture, and was just "focusing on the artistic angle of the film."

Jaa is currently in talks with the producers to patch things up, and get the ball rolling so the movie can still make its scheduled release in Thailand on December 5.


Wesley said...

Good to hear.