Saturday, July 12, 2008

The Max Payne Trailer Is Weird

Max Payne had the potential to be a pretty good movie. Although it's been a while since I last played it, I was a pretty big fan of the video game, it's gritty, film noir style, and its endlessly entertaining gameplay. Overall, it was a really engrossing game that had a great mystery to unravel and a surprising amount of creepiness to it. I always thought it would make a great movie (with all the film noir tendencies in the game, how could it not be?) and even started writing a fan script for it back when I was fifteen. Yeah, I've always been a giant nerd. I'd like to think that I'm less of one now but, then again, I am very seriously considering dressing up as the Joker for The Dark Knight midnight show. Anyways...

When I heard that Max Payne was green lit as a film, I got really excited. Then, I heard that Mark Wahlberg was cast as Max Payne and that they were aiming for a PG-13 rating. I think I've ranted about turning R-rated franchises into PG-13 films enough in the past (Max Payne is an M-rated videogame, so I see that as the same thing) so I won't go into here. If you want a synopsis of what I feel on that topic- I think it's ridiculous and stupid. As for Mark Wahlberg, the guy definitely has grown on me in the past few years. Although I think his performance was vastly overrated in the otherwise great The Departed (all he did was act like a one-sided jerk, what's so special about that?), he did do a great job in Boogie Nights. Still, with that said, there's still something about the guy that I don't buy. Maybe it's because I still know in the back of my head that he was Marky Mark and he's just trying so hard to be a tough guy actor now. I'm sorry man, but you'll always be just Marky Mark to me. Anyways, I'm getting off topic here. The bottom line is that I just don't buy Wahlberg as Max Payne. He doesn't look, sound, or give the impression of being Max Payne. Sorry, I just don't buy it. Also, add to these complaints that the film is directed by John Moore, the director of such winners as the remakes of The Flight of the Phoenix and The Omen, and it looks like we got a pretty awful looking movie coming our way.

Anyways, the trailer got released the other day and well, it's nothing special. I know a lot of people are geeking out about it but, man, I don't see what the big deal is. Sure, some of it is kind of like Max Payne but not enough to really get your panties in a wad. Also, what's with those weird black, winged angel things? I don't remember those in the game at all. Of course, the game did have weird, creepy nightmare sequences so I guess that's what they're going for in those scenes. Still, I don't see the point. Consider me not excited. Still, you guys may be into it. Check the trailer out at the top of the article. It definitely has some interesting visuals... that's for sure. 


Austin said...

Eh, I loved the games completely, so I'm at a nerd point of view when it comes to these games. And basically it seems like this movie is gonna be nothing like either of them at all. And that alone with Marky Mark is gonna suck I believe. Seriously, the plot is the absolutely best thing about Max Payne, so why would they want to do completely away with it?

Jason said...

I thought I was going to hate the trailer, but I didn't. It has definitely pushed my intrigue buttons. I never played Max Payne and I know just snippets of the plot of it. I thought Wahlberg was a very weird choice for this role, and I like Wahlberg as an actor. It looks interesting but it could still go either way.