Thursday, July 31, 2008

Sony Making a Venom Spin-off

In other news, I could care less.

Yeah, I never thought I'd ever say that. But let's face it- not only did Spider-man 3 systematically rape my childhood but it pretty much ruined this amazingly awesome character. I haven't been able to think of Venom and not cringe a little or hurt some inside because of that film. The emotional damage that that film has done to me is deep and, to be honest, I'm still not sure if I'm completely healed (though I will say that The Dark Knight has significantly helped the healing process). I think I was depressed about a month after that film came out. Watching it in a crowded theater with a big group of my friends was like making a big speech in front of the whole school and then having your pants and underwear fall down in the middle of it and they all (including the girl you've secretly had a crush on for years) burst into non-stop laughter. 

God, how could they screw up so bad? Ugh...

This spin-off doesn't even make sense considering they killed Eddie Brock / Venom at the end of Spider-man 3 anyway (and if that's a spoiler to you then you should be thanking me for keeping you further away from that disgraceful film). I guess they're going for a re-imagining or something. Whatever. I don't care. I guess it can't be any worse that what we've already got.

From what I've heard, Topher Grace will not be cast again as Brock (to be honest, he wasn't that bad... he was just too small) so maybe Venom will be as huge as he always has been in our minds and hearts. There is also doubt to whether Spider-man will be in the film so I kind of don't see what the point of making it is. It really sucks guys- I can't believe they screwed up one of the best comic book story-lines up like that (and in such an awful way). We'll never get to see Venom / Spider-man on the big screen the right way ever because of that film. Well... maybe we will... some day. 

Maybe one day... somewhere... a director will make The Dark Knight of Spider-man films. Hey, it could happen. I mean, I gotta hope, right? I gotta have some dreams. 

Anyways, when it comes down to it, I'll probably end up seeing this Venom spin-off. Why? Because I'm a fanboy loser, that's why. And oh yeah: We are Venom!

*Also: I had my last day at work today so expect me back full time here at YDKS Movies and in prime form.*

Source: /Film


Jason said...

Yeah, that would suck if both your pants AND underwear fell off! I love the inclusion of both.