Friday, July 25, 2008

Never Back Down DVD Quote Is Hilarious

This past Spring Break, my friends and I went to see Never Back Down as a joke. The previews of the film looked awful and I gotta admit: the film did not disappoint.  Man, this film was terrible. It was honestly one of the most cliche, ridiculous, and illogical things that I have ever seen. Seriously, if you have a good film taste and you want a good laugh, then check this thing out. It's so bad that it could easily be mistaken for a comedy.

Did I mention that the girl / love interest of the film is named Baja? You know, like the Baja Peninsula? I couldn't stop laughing... Is that supposed to be hip or something? Someone help me out here. And how about that part where the two guys are fighting and the one kid gets kicked hard in the abs and an X-ray of his insides is randomly overlaid on his body. Who really thought that was a good idea? How stylish of you mister MTV music video director. How stylish...

Anyways, I'm getting off-topic here. The main reason for this article is that I was working at Movie Gallery earlier today and I realized that this movie was in the new releases Fed-Ex box for next week. So I picked it out of the box and looked at the back of the cover.

I couldn't believe my eyes.

"It's a little Karate Kid, a smidge of Fight Club... a lot of the OC..."- Michael Philips, Chicago Tribune

Are you serious? Nothing in that quote makes the movie sound good. In fact, it just admits that it rips off other fighting films (which it does- it's basically the Karate Kid with pretty people and even more cliches) and it has a lot of similarity to a really bad television show. That's like saying, "It has a little bit of sugar, a tiny hint of cinnamon, and a lot of crap dumped on top." Absolutely nothing in this quote says, "Hey, this movie was pretty good!" 

In fact, I looked up Michael Philip's review on Rotten Tomatoes and, guess what? It was negative. Can you believe that? Couldn't they have at least picked a postive review to get a quote from. After all, there were (shocking) some (though not a lot by any means) to choose from. But no, they pick this vaguely bad quote from a negative review. Good job, marketing team. To be honest, this movie deserves a quote of this stature. It is indeed pretty fitting to the film.

The sad thing is that most people will come into the store next Tuesday and read the quote and see it as a positive thing. It just kills me... it really does. 

If you really don't believe me on this insane quote, you can see the thing yourself below.

So bad...


Jason said...

Too hilarious for me to add anything of worth too. Sometimes the world gets it right!

movie_fan225 said...

I LOVE IT. That quote just adds to the terrifically bad "magic" of this film. I think that would be a good movie to buy. Not to watch. Rather to put up on the mantle as a conversation piece. Oh the good times that could be had just chuckling at that quote. It's sad when the only good thing that can be said about a film has to come from being compared to a teen soap opera. Fail.