Friday, July 11, 2008

The Dark Knight is Officially a Week Away and I'm Having Nightmares

Well guys, it's official. The Dark Knight comes out in one week. Can you believe it? I still don't myself. I just feel like I've been waiting for this thing for forever. Now, as we're getting closer and closer, I can feel my anticipation growing and growing, my excitement becoming unbearable. I've always been one to get excited about films, but never ever in my life can I remember as being as excited as I am right now for this movie. 

How excited am I? Well, every night this week (in the few moments that I've been able to sleep that is... a whole different story) I've had a nightmare about The Dark Knight. This is actually pretty common  for me to have nightmares about movies I'm really excited to see. I can remember having nightmares for Spider-man 2 and 3 in the past (the ones about 3 unfortunately came true). However, never have I had nightmares for four consecutive nights about the same film. And never have they been so vivid.

The first nightmare I had about The Dark Knight revolved around my friends and I going to the midnight showing of the film. However, the film was so long that it was cut into two parts. The first part was about two hours long and the second part was only an hour long. There was an intermission between the two parts. The first part of the movie wasn't that great. In the intermission, I remember saying to my friends, "Part 1's over and they haven't even introduced Harvey Dent. I don't know how they're going to pull this off." Part 2 then started but one of my friend's got sick and we had to leave. I never got to finish the film. And Part 2 was looking so promising...

My second nightmare about the film was less eventful and vivid. I remember it also having to do with the me not being able to finish the film. The third nightmare, on the other hand, was insanely vivid and intense. In this nightmare, I was watching the film in a regular theater. However, because Christopher Nolan filmed six sequences with IMAX cameras, those scenes were very realistic looking in the dream. So realistic, in fact, that they actually put you inside of the movie. I can remember being transported inside of the movie, moving around with Chris Nolan's camera as he went through the sidewalks and streets of Gotham City. A thick, green gas was coming out from the streets. At every corner, multiple, hideous-looking Jokers were waiting for me. Their cut smiles were much more graphic and disturbing looking than the one Heath Ledger sports in the film. As I would pass, they all would make horrible noises at me. Eventually, I would wake up.

The last nightmare I had last night. I remember it being about The Dark Knight. However, I can't remember any particular details.

I need this movie to come out already. Even waiting another week seems too long. I need to sleep peacefully again (that is, if I ever did). This really doesn't just seem like a movie anymore. It's seems much bigger than that. It seems like Chris Nolan has created a monster. I don't know if it's because Heath Ledger's untimely death is hanging over the film or the comparisons to Heat and Godfather Part II but this movie just seems so much more than just another superhero movie. I just can't put my finger on it. 

I've even been listening to Hans Zimmer and James Newton Howard's score for the film for the past two days. It hasn't been released officially but you can listen to all the tracks on YouTube if you search for it. While I haven't listened to all of the score (I don't want to yet... I just wanted to sample it), what I have listened to is pretty much amazing. While most of the familiar themes of Batman Begins are employed in some of the tracks that I've listened to, there is so much more that Zimmer and Howard bring to the table. The track everyone on the web seems to be talking about is entitled "Why So Serious." It was the music attached to the 6 minute prequel that played before I Am Legend in IMAX this past Christmas and what I assume (at least, I hope it will be) will be the first six minutes of the film itself. The music on this track is so different than anything that I have ever heard before. It is just pure building tension from the very first second. I'm not sure what instruments they used but it sounds like a strange variety. It almost sounds like something the Blue Man Group would create. It's so bizarre, experimental, and chaotic that I can't wait to see the images that accompany it on the big screen (that is, if it is indeed the first six minutes of the film). Another track that I have been listening to a lot is entitled "A Dark Knight." It employs Batman's heroic theme from Batman Begins but in a much slower, building manner. It's honestly one of the most beautiful and moving things I've listened it. It sounds both optimistic and somber at the same time. I can't wait to see the surely gorgeous images that accompany it as well. Man, I just can't wait to see this whole movie.

I am so excited, guys. Of course, I know that you all know that by now. I mean, how couldn't you? I wonder how many topics that I have posted on here just about this one movie. It must look ridiculous. Heck, we're even having Dark Knight Week all next week just in honor of the film.

But this film deserves our honor. And it deserves yours as well.

One week away guys. I hope you are as half as excited as I am. Because, I don't know about you, but I've got my Joker makeup ready for application.


Jason said...

Nightmares? That is intense man. Seriously though, The Dark Knight Week is going to blow everyone's minds and hopefully will be a return to form for my writing habits.